Thursday, April 7, 2016

Trump and Muslim Hate

for fb.jpg  By Florida Bill 

                     We are living in a world of political correctness in which the left-leaning media is eager to portray Republicans as bigots and racists. And the accusation is given special emphasis when Muslim behavior is mentioned. When there is talk of the insanity of radical Muslims, it is always countered with a description of a body of calm and composed worshipers who only want peace.   
                  Recently, Donald Trump was asked if America is at war with Islam. The Republican candidate is not one to skip over Muslims  slaughtering innocent persons by being politically polite and thoughtful.  To this inquiry from a very left wing CNN journalist, Trump replied:
                  "I think that Islam hates us.  There is tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it.  There is an unbelievable hatred of us."
                   His head-on reply touched a nerve with the Council on Islamic American Relations (CAIR)  and their leader lashed out at the iconic billionaire seeking to be his party's nominee, accusing him of bigotry and demanding that he issue an apology. This Washington-based organization has been a supporter of Muslims, but has a rocky relationship with the FBI which has questioned its motives and values, and its relationships with terrorist organizations in the Middle East.  
                   During a debate a few days later, Trump was asked if he was referring to "all" Muslims. He extended  his long arms outward, and said he meant to refer to a "lot of them."  I will tell you," he emphasized, "there is something going on that maybe you don't know about....but there is tremendous hatred, and I will stick with what I said to Anderson Cooper." 
                 "The Donald" was right on target, and perhaps it is his consistent shoot from-the-hip refusal to bow to political correctness which has sent him to the top of virtually all voter preference polls, and made him a winner in most of the primary balloting.                  
                      When Trump said that there were a "lot of them" who hate America and Americans, he was being modest in his estimate.  There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and the radical corner of the religion is said by researchers to constitute a percentage of around 2 per cent overall.  In some countries, however,  the percentage of radicals is said to exceed 50 per cent. Analysts and experts on Islam and Muslim culture have said that main stream Islam, particularly in the Middle East, is virulently anti-western and anti-American.  Many Americans remember films of Muslims in the Middle East, dancing with their children in the streets in jubilation at news of the 9-11 attacks and the death of nearly 3,000 Americans.  President Obama has said that this unwholesome element of hostile Muslims is "tiny."
                        When it comes down to raw numbers, Trump has done the math, and maybe CNN's left-wing reporter Cooper should do the same, rather than gasping with his eyebrows raised in alarm.  If just 2 per cent of Muslims in the world are radicals seeking death for non-believers, that means that there are about 40 million (40,000,000) terrorists seeking to kill and possibly behead anyone who does not bow down and convert to Islam. Leading these contingents of killers are Al Qaeda and ISIS and a host of other terrorist organizations which over the past decades have brutally killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children. Hey , President Obama,  don't call these guys the "junior varsity," they hit the big-time many vicious murders ago.   
                        After the San Bernardino slayings by a radicalized Muslim couple, Trump announced that America should temporarily bar Muslims from entering the United States until we can "determine just what is going on" and what can be done to prevent any more of the same homeland terrorism. At that time,  he noted that there are an estimated 2.7 million Muslims residing in the USA, and that in a poll conducted by PEW researchers, it was reported that 25 per cent of them agree that violence against America is justifiable in carrying out a global jihad; and that 29 per cent believe that execution of anyone who has insulted the Prophet Mohammad is appropriate.      
                    Personally, when I am trying to assess the Muslim threat,  I recall the reaction from Muslim fanatics to Pope Benedict's comment that historically Islam has been a "religion of the sword."  As retaliation, two catholic churches were burned down and at least two nuns were murdered.  Is Trump the only public figure who will confront radical Islam for the enemy to Americans that it is. All of the Democratic candidates have said that using the term "radical Islam" paints all Muslims with the same broad brush. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate who appears certain to capture her party's nomination, stands hand in glove with Obama in dodging and poo pooing anyone who labels Muslim radicals as terrorists.
                        Will President Obama ever wake up and call out "radical Islam" for its murderous ways and outright savagery?  As a boy in Indonesia, Obama attended a Muslim school (Madrassa). His father and step-father were Muslims and the family followed the teachings of the Koran.  Apparently, the depth of his association with Islam runs so deep that he cannot bring himself to denounce the radicals inside the religion who kill and are pure evil.  It is more and more evident that recognition of the threat will fall into the hands of this country's 45th President to be elected next November.

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