Wednesday, May 22, 2024


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                                                          BY BILL JUNEAU

                                      Frozen in the eyes and minds of many Americans is the bumbling and fumbling public appearances of President Biden.  There were times when on a public stage, the President seemed to be wandering about, ignored by others.  At other moments, he seemed to be searching for an exit.  At news conferences, his rhetoric is often gaffe-ridden, and he appears to rely on crib notes for  answers to questions. 

                         Citizens have seen films of the 81-year-old President  falling upon steps when boarding airplanes.  Democratic Political Commentator Bill Maher has compared his walking gait over the plush green White House lawn to his waiting helicopter, as resembling a toddler with a load in his pants. 

                         The Washington Post has described Biden as the "Lamborghini of Gaffes," and has often awarded him "Pinocchios" for his lies to the public.  

                         For some three years, he has been sitting on a letter from a large contingent of GOP Congressmen requesting that he take a cognitive exam aimed at his ability to carry out the duties of America's chief executive and as the image of hope for the free world.  Biden has declined to take the test. Former President Trump, his challenger for the office, was besieged by reporters demanding that he take a cognitive test. He did and passed with a perfect score. 

                        In August of 2020, as a candidate for President, Biden was asked during an interview with the National Association of Black Journalists  if he had taken a cognitive test.  Snapping back testily,  he said the question was "unfair," and "no, I haven't taken a test...Why the hell would I...that's like someone being asked if he was a 'junkie.'" His answer made little sense, but he did not elaborate.

                         Following his election, Biden has on one or more occasions referred to his Vice President as "President Harris." Asked a question concerning America's military, he forgot the name of his Secretary of Defense ( Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III) and said, "I want to thank the Secretary---- the ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my — the guy who runs the outfit over there." 

                          " Let's be honest here," said Sen. Rick Scott of Florida  in a televised appearance.  "Joe Biden is unwell.  He's unfit for office.  He's incoherent, incapacitated and confused.  He doesn't know where he is half the time.  He's incapable of leading and he's incapable of carrying out his duties-- period.  Everyone knows it.  No one is willing to say it, but we have to for the sake of the country.  Joe Biden can't do the job." 

                      This is the man with his fingers on the nuclear code.  How scary is that, observed Fox News' Laura Ingraham, a news analyst and a trained lawyer.  

                  In recent months, President Biden was interviewed by a special counsel checking into his possible criminal conduct for leaving  classified documents strewn about in his oily garage at his fancy lakeside home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The investigator, Robert Hur, reported that the President lacked the brainpower to defend himself against criminal charges, and therefore  would not be charged with a criminal offense.  

                            Hur assessed the President as a  pathetic, "elderly and forgetful" man who had broken the law,  but should not be put on trial because of his reduced mental capacity.  Hur's description of Biden's abilities and senility seemed to fit the description and abilities of that belonging to a moron. 

               .            Last March, Biden delivered the State of the Union Address and he was exploding with energy.  He read his prepared speech with incredible enthusiasm and was full of vim and vigor when he denounced former President Trump, who is his presumptive opponent for the job of President in the election scheduled for next November. 

                           Rep. Greg Murphy, a physician serving as a U.S. Congressman from North Carolina, said during a recent interview with newslady Maria Bartiromo  that "I believe that for the State of the Union address of last March, they gave him (Biden) something to cope with the lights and sustain the vigor that he had. That was not Joe Biden. I was in there. He screamed for two hours....  He was "jacked up" and had been given something."  Dr. Murphy is a Urologist and the co-chair of the House GOP Doctors' Caucus. 

                                Bartiromo asked Murphy what specifically he was referring to “in terms of medicine,” but Murphy would not elaborate, only saying the President is being “manufactured” and “puppeteered"....and that he (Rep. Murphy) was in possession of evidence which would support his comments.  However, the GOP representative  declined further explanation for what he had said.                                

                                Recently, President Trump said that he shared the opinion of Dr. Murphy and that the fumbling Joe Biden was indeed "jacked up" for the SOTU address last March.  No one had ever seen him with that energy....."he was high as a kite," said Trump.                              

                                 Democrat Biden and former President  Trump, a Republican,  are scheduled to debate the issues on television before interested Americans. Trump said that he will insist that President Biden submit to a drug test prior to the debates.  

                                The test is simple and quick and will guarantee that it is the real Biden on stage, and not the "jacked up" version.  Refusing to do so would also send a message. For certain, Trump also will be taking the test.                         

                                 President Biden has not directly responded to Donald Trump’s demand that he undergo a drug test before the upcoming debates. However, according to news reports, when asked about Trump's demand during a press conference, Biden stumbled and replied,  “He’s almost— no--I have no comment."                 

                                 President Biden and the former President  are scheduled to debate the issues on June 27 and September 10. The election will be held on Tuesday, November 5.  


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