Saturday, November 30, 2019

Dems Losing big time


for fb.jpg  By Florida Bill  

                       It must be difficult for the media and the "never,never Trumpers" to watch the "impeachment inquiry" going down in flames.  According to polls and reports, the inquiry designed to  portray the 45th President as a criminal, has turned off the lion's share  of Americans, leaving only loons to do the screaming.    Actually, it is kind of funny for a number of reasons.
                       Basically, the media, lead by the New York Times, the Washington Post and virtually every TV station except Fox News, carve up and deliver each and every story about the President in a negative way.  Even his search and destruction of the world's number one terrorist, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was said to have been handled improperly; and the President's Thanksgiving day visit to Troops in Afghanistan was "troubling," just a photo opportunity for Trump.  Regular reports continue that President Trump is prevaricating at the rate of about 20 times daily, and that is according to "fact checkers."
                        To underscore the case against President Trump, the media recently reported that the President's wife, Melania, had been booed during an appearance, with the innuendo that everything close to the President is evil.   
                      Last July 25, President Trump made a telephone call to the President of Ukraine which spurred demands from unprofessional and biased Democrats that he must be impeached and booted from office.  His criminality and "high crimes" were that he had pointed to former Vice President  Joe Biden and his cocaine addicted son, Hunter. as "cold stone corrupt"; and that he  sought to have the new Ukraine president expose Biden's misdeeds in 2016 when Trump  was a candidate for President. 
                   At that time, Biden had been successful in bringing about the firing of a prosecutor who was investigating the conduct of Biden's son who was a director of a corrupt gas company, and was earning $83,000 a month. In firing the veteran prosecutor, the Ukrainian President Poroshenko bowed to the wishes of Biden, America's point man to the Ukraine. 
                  Foreign aid of about $400 million, earmarked for Ukraine, was never an issue in President Trump's discussion with President Zelensky.  In fact, after false charges were made by Democrats that Trump had "squeezed" the Ukraine President,   Zelensky even held a news conference in an attempt to set the record straight.  He explained to news men that the July telephone call was a friendly chat with President Trump and that the idea that Trump had exerted undue pressure on him or laid down a "quid pro quo" was preposterous.   
                          Presently, the nation is being told that articles of impeachment are being prepared by "Fat Jerry" Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Nadler wears a different jacket today than he did 20 years ago when he was the staunchest defender of President Clinton who was the target of articles of impeachment by the House.  He argued that Clinton was pure as snow even  though Clinton's  semen was found on the blue dress of one of his young Oval office visitors;  and that he never really lied  to a grand jury or to the nation about the relationship. 
                       Nadler is being assisted by Rep. Adam Schiff, a walking liar who chairs the House Intelligence Committee.  Schiff  prepped  and counseled a "whistle blower" in a complaint about Trump's call to the  Ukrainian president.  Their cooked-up case against the President for bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors is based solely on assumptions, opinion and second hand talk and  unless there is a pull-back, accusing articles of impeachment will be delivered to the  Senate where there will be a trial in which the  Democrat conspiracy will be exposed and the Upper House of Congress will promptly acquit President Trump of any wrongdoing.  
                         Next November President Trump will be running for a second term and prognosticators say that he will be reelected by a wide margin and that embarrassed Democrats will wind up with egg on their faces, losing the Presidency as well as a majority in the House of Representatives. 



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