Wednesday, August 14, 2019

LGBTQ curriculum

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                                     BY FLORIDA BILL 

                   Grade school children in Illinois, beginning next July, will be given lessens on the "history and contributions" of the LGBTQ community to American society. 
             Pursuant to a new law signed by Gov. Pritzker, the story of  lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and the "Q" community is being made a part of the curriculum in all public schools in Illinois.  It is the fifth state in the nation to mandate such controversial elementary school studies.
              Gay marriage and homosexuality and the morphosis of male to female and female to male are among key elements of the teachings so that children will know "people come from different backgrounds and are entitled to the same opportunities as everyone else."proponents of the new law have said.  
             Basically, it is a new twist to the story of the "birds and bees," imparting to children of a very delicate age, the understanding that there are families with two moms and/or two dads; and that some girls will become boys and some boys will become girls.  Their contributions to a better America will be discussed and  some homosexuals will even be spotlighted for their marriages and their celebratory status as part of the description of  contributions to a better America. 
             Strong motivation for the teachings arises from the demands of the gay community which followed a U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing same sex marriages.  
              State Sen. Heather Steans of Chicago a sponsor of the legislation, said that this inclusive curriculum will not only teach an accurate version of history, but will also promote acceptance of the LGBTQ community and help overcome intolerance through  education and exposure to different people and viewpoints. 
                 Detractors see the new law as disturbing and deeply worrisome as to the psychological  health of the nation's children. It is a new ethos which does not just recognize homosexual lifestyle,  but instead actively endorses a whole range of bisexuality, transgenderism and transsexuality. 
                 There is a broad segment of society which believes strongly that the entire concept is a lot of unnecessary nonsense, and serves to fill very young minds with concerns, ideas and problems that they never knew they had; and that it is confounding that trained educators see value in such programs.  





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