Monday, September 12, 2016

Trump and Christians

for fb.jpg  By Florida Bill

                             With Donald Trump, for better or for worse, we have a candidate who seems to care about Christians and their plight in a world in which "radical Islam" has its knife out.  "Convert or die," is the Islamic motto of terrorists who want to transform the world into a global caliphate. 
                            At long last, there is a contender for the Presidency in next November's election who promises that he will be a "voice for Christians and the best friend they will ever have."   
                             I do not know how Trump intends to deliver on his promises, but he certainly stands out alongside other candidates for public office who generally avoid being so precise about defending Christians.  In fact, Trump has said in a recent speech that pastors must be free to speak openly from the pulpit about political preferences without fear of being denied their church tax exemption.  Currently, the law restricts preachers and pastors from doing that, and trump promises to work toward amending that law when he becomes President. 
                                 He will be a President, he asserts, who will destroy that terrorist organization known as ISIS which slaughters innocent persons, Christian and otherwise, and then brags about the evil acts on public television. A born again Christian, Trump says he will have the "back" of Christians when he occupies the Oval Office of the White House.                                
                                 There has been little if any rhetoric in favor of Christian principles from the Democratic standard bearer Hillary Clinton. While dancing around charges of mishandling classified emails, she professes to be a Methodist, but has little if anything to say about her religion or of Christian principles. We know that she endorses same sex marriage, and abortions on demand. Her public sympathies seem to be directed to show her respect for Islam. Some years ago, when she was running for President in 2008, she had a TV commercial made of herself wearing a hi jab designed to project her tolerance and regard for the Islamic faith.             
                                 While the founders of this nation made their sentiments clear in the pledge of allegiance and in the preamble to the Constitution, President Obama has been lukewarm about his Christian beliefs. He has professed to be a believer in Jesus Christ, yet he has endorsed abortions including those in the final term. He has stated that he believed in marriage as a sacred union of one man with one woman, but then a few years later, after he was elected to his first term, said that he had "evolved" and asserted that same sex unions were now fine with him. The term "pro-life" has never been in his vocabulary.
                                While reticent in praising the traditions of American life and culture, Obama has repeatedly expressed his reverence and respect for Islam, and the holy month of Ramadan; and he declines to call out Islamic terrorists for their evil massacre and beheading of innocent men, women and children. He has characterized Major Hasan's slaughter of 13 fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood,Texas in the name of Allah, as "workplace violence" and nothing more. On one occasion, Obama spoke of the Christian violence of 1,000 years ago and he did this in attempting to downplay present day savagery of Muslim fanatics who have beheaded Christians and perverted their religion.
                                 Trump has said that America "clearly has an administration which doesn't care how Christians are treated." Immigration policies are beholden to political correctness, and that will change under a Trump administration, he said.
                                 No one knows exactly what the 70-year-old Trump will do in fulfilling his campaign promises. But just hearing a politician ignore political correctness and endorse Christians is refreshing. 



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