Saturday, November 13, 2021


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                                     By BILL JUNEAU   

                                    At a recent hearing of the Senate Foreign Affairs  Committee, Idaho Senator James Risch questioned Secretary of State Antony Blinken and demanded to know, ""who is telling Biden what to do."  Who is behind the curtain telling Biden when he can answer a question?  Who cuts off Biden's mike when he does not want him to speak?  Who speaks for him?

                                  A nervous looking  Blinken replied that President Biden speaks for himself.  But the agitated and annoyed Sen. Risch  wasn't finished and he dug in. 

                                  "We’ve all seen this-- as recently as yesterday when someone cuts off Biden  as he speaks at a wildfire briefing,"  asserted the senator.  Somebody in the White House has authority to press the button and stop the president, and cut off the president’s speaking ability. So who is that person?  

                                   Blinken stuck to his guns, noting that he has known and worked with Biden for years, and that the President speaks for himself.   Risch had put his finger on a subject which is on the table and very likely is puzzling millions of American, both Republicans and those Democrats with thinking caps.  

                                    The mental acuity and cognitive ability and seemingly low IQ of President Biden has become a topic for discussion in the USA. Seventy-nine year-old Joe Biden has been on Washington payrolls for nearly a half-century.  He was a U.S. senator from Delaware for 36 years, and then a Vice President to Barack Obama for eight years.  He moved into the Oval Office on January 20, of 2021, as the nation's 46th President.

                                  Some 14 congressmen have signed a letter to President Biden importuning him to undergo a supervised mental exam to allow citizens to know of his cognitive ability and if he is capable of serving as President. In the past, Democrats demanded that President Trump take a cognitive ability exam, so he did, and he  passed with a perfect score.  

                                  Congressman Ronny Jackson of Texas, a physician, served as the White House doctor to Presidents Obama and Trump, and he knows Biden well.  He has said that Biden is missing a beat and is "dangerous,"  and that someone else is telling him what to do. 

                                   Too often, President Biden, with his horse-whispering talk and foolish comments, has been observed in televised hearings stumbling and bumbling at the microphone while shuffling crib notes in his hands in an attempt to respond to questions.  Is this truly a capable chief executive?  Is he that special somebody who stands as the most  powerful person on Planet Earth?  Is he the hope for the free world? Citizens want to know.                                  

                                   Behind the dais and before cameras, he has himself  made surprising admissions that he follows the instructions of someone else. On one occasion he told a crowd that "I am not supposed to be answering your questions, ...I am supposed to leave." At a press briefing,  Press Secretary Jen Psaki has noted that handlers have advised the President not to take questions. 

                                    A video clip from a Democratic caucus has made the rounds and has citizens shaking their heads.  In it, President Biden, in a boot-licking manner, tells Speaker Nancy Pelosi that “I’m happy to take questions, if that’s what I’m supposed to do, Nance — whatever you want me to do,” And Pelosi is heard saying to an aide: “No, we don’t want him to talk."

Is Joe Biden actually subordinating himself to the progressives who constantly scream "white supremacy," and "defund the police." We know that Sen. Bernie Sanders is a socialist and a marxist, but is he, with his gopher, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez at his side, sending dos and don'ts to the President of the United States, directing him to propose multi trillion dollar plans which will save the climate and implement the Green New Deal which calls for retrofitting every structure in the country with an electrical system.

For years Sanders has been calling for a revolution as a means of transforming the United States into a socialist country like Norway and Sweden with a touch of Russia, with the government in full charge of everything. On television, Biden once asked citizens if they believe him to be a socialist. Nowadays, it appears fairly certain that the answer is "yes."

For all of his years in Washington, he has always offered himself as "Plain Old Joe" the people's man. He has always been a "touchy-feely" person with the ladies, and while most women simply laughed off his petting and hair-sniffing antics, some nine women registered complaints of his inappropriate behavior  during the 2020 campaign--after which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told him to keep his hands to himself.

                                       Joe Biden, the man and the politician, has been a liar and a plagiarist, and that track record is not in dispute. He has been dubbed the "Lamborghini of Gaffes" by the Washington Post. He tells goofy stories about a bully named "Corn Pop," who he says he put down physically. He declares that the USA is a systemically racist country, with cops regularly killing black men; and that racism today is bad or even worse than during the Civil War, and that Jim Crowism has reemerged in election procedures.                               

He claims to be a devout Roman Catholic, yet he promotes abortions, and shows no concern for the rights of the fetus; and he wants the government to fund all abortions for poor women. He endorses homosexual activities which run counter to Catholic tenets. He has said he wants policemen to answer calls without sidearms and that the officer should be accompanied by a trained psychologist or a medical doctor so as to resolve disputes without force.   

                                       At his inauguration as Vice President in 2008 he had a net worth of $27,000, and now 14 years later, financial    experts tell us he and his wife, Dr. Jill, are now worth around $11 million, and have two multi million dollar homes in Delaware.  Former President Trump and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, a popular and admired former New York mayor, and many others, have accused Biden of being "stone corrupt." Giuliani has charged that Biden has feathered rich nests for his son, Hunter, and his brother James, and took kick backs from Hunter and James for huge contracts negotiated with Red China and the Ukraine.  

                                        How do citizens feel when they come face to face with Biden's lying nature. At political rallies he has said that he attended law school on an academic scholarship and finished high up in his class.  The truth is that he finished 79th in a class 85, had no scholarship, and was accused of plagiarizing pages from law articles and offering them as his own.  We have been told that former classmates at the Syracuse Law school have described him as the "dumbest s.o.b. in the school."             

                                      As a Delaware senator running for President in the l980s, Biden borrowed speeches from British labor leader, Neil Kinnock, but got caught doing so, and had to drop out of  the presidential race because of his plagiarism.                                   

                                      In 1972, Biden's 30-year-old wife and infant daughter tragically were killed in an auto-truck  accident. For years, and into the millenium, in political speeches, he cruelly blamed the accident on the truck driver whom he said "drank his lunch." Factually, the truck driver was without fault in the collision and there was no evidence of his having been intoxicated or of having consumed any alcohol.  The false accusations from Biden caused him severe mental anguish for the following 25 years, according to his daughter who accused Biden of telling a "blatant lie which devastated our family."  The daughter said her father died in 1999, torn apart by the false narrative delivered over and over by Biden. 

                                      His gaffes have become legendary. After his selection as President Obama's running mate in 2008, Biden got carried away praising the presidential candidate with whom he had served in the U.S. Senate. He heralded  the aggressive nature of Obama and noted that the future African American president was cut from the same cloth as Republican President Teddy Roosevelt.  "I can  tell you this," said Biden:  "Like Teddy, Barack has a big stick." 

                                     Again, eager to please Obama, he told a rally that Barack was " a mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy.  I mean that's a storybook, man." He was widely criticized for his racist remarks.  

                                     In another legendary gaffe, Biden told a gathering to applaud a particular guest seeking a public office.    "Stand up Chuck and take a bow," he called out to the paralyzed man who was in a wheelchair.  In another rare moment, he mourned a woman ("God rest her soul") who hadn't died.  

                                       But Sen. Risch is not pointing to the lies, gaffes and racist remarks of Biden, or to his misconduct with women, or to his corruption, but rather to his apparent stupidity and cognitive impairment and his clear inability to function as President of the United States. He believes him to be a puppet with others pulling his strings.   

                                      Currently President Biden is pushing  spending plans which are in the trillions of dollars, and asserting that it will not cost anyone a dime more in taxes.  "It is all paid for," he says.  Recently the House of representatives led by Speaker Pelosi who Biden calls "Nance," has passed a $1.2 trillion dollar spending bill, and critics predict that Biden wants to spend many trillions more, blind to the inflation now sweeping the nation.   

                                      It is believed by many that Joe Biden will eventually be persuaded by Democrats controlling him to resign or be removed from office  pursuant to the 25th amendment.  In the event of his exit from the oval office, Vice president Kamala Harris will become President, and will select a new Vice President, who some pundits predict, because of Harris' unpopularity,  will be backed by Democrats in the 2024 presidential election.  



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