It is not just the beauty of the beaches and the palm trees and the cool blue waters and evening breezes which excite citizens and make them look with affection on Hawaii, the eden of the Pacific. Nowadays, along with the enchantments of this paradise island, thousands of miles from America's turbulent capitol, there is a growing sentiment and admiration for Hawaii's former Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, for the honesty and courage and political grit which she has displayed.
For sure, many citizens are disappointed that Ms. Gabbard is no longer a figure in the House of Representatives where she was a member from 2013 to the beginning of this year (2021). She stepped down from her Hawaiian seat having decided not to seek another term, though her reelection appeared certain to observers.
In many ways, Rep. Gabbard, 39, was unique as a Democrat member of the People's House, led by old and venomous Nancy Pelosi whose hate for President Trump and contempt for Republicans has become legendary.
Unlike partisan Democrats who simply kneel and do what they are told to do, their oath be dammed, Gabbard represented her district and made her decisions based upon what she believed to be the best for the country and its citizens. Sometimes she disagreed with her party's fumbling and disingenuous policies and rantings based solely on aversion for the sitting President, and she made her positions known. In the partisan Ukraine impeachment fantasy of President Trump, Gabbard voted present while every other Democrat followed the party's manufactured effort to destroy the Trump presidency and legacy.
Last year, during the Democrat's search for a presidential nominee, Gabbard entered the competition as a candidate. On the national debate stage, she was reasonable and articulate and smart, and she stood out for her patriotism and good sense. Party loyalty was important but not always the bottom line. She won support and praise from many corners of the country which heretofore were unfamiliar with even her name. Her failure to line up as a belligerent critic and hater of President Trump drew criticism from prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, who accused her of being a Russian plant. She withdrew as a candidate and subsequently sued Clinton for defamation.
Physically attractive and well educated, Gabbard was a major in the army reserves and had served in combat in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East. Her popularity and respect from peers inside the People's House was well known, and she worked regularly with Republican colleagues on pending legislation designed to benefit all Americans. She was an elected Democrat, but her pride as an American took precedence over her party loyalties, and her disenchantment with the Nancy Pelosi leadership was never much of a secret.
After rioters swarmed the capitol on January 6, she denounced the violence, and took issue with the conduct of prominent Democrats and with "Big Tech" companies which suspended President Trump's platform to communicate his messages to Americans.
It took courage, but the 39-year-old ex-battle- hardened Army veteran, saw the negatives in the partisan lying and rantings from prominent Democrats in the House and she singled out for criticism Adam Schiff, a Pelosi weasel who has lied repeatedly in public statements and former CIA Director John Brennan, whose fealty to the United States has always been questioned.
As a guest on a Fox News show with Laura Ingraham, Gabbard upbraided Nancy Pelosi for having labeled Republicans as terrorists who are causing problems and are the "enemy within." Pelosi's remarks, she said, qualified as "throwing a match onto the tinderbox." Her words are "dangerous" and unless she has evidence to support what she is saying, she should apologize to the American people.
Gabbard has posted a video on the social airways with her reaction to the violence and and to the pummeling of the Free speech rights belonging to all Americans including the President.
"President Biden, I call upon you and all members of Congress from both parties to denounce these efforts by the likes of Brennan and others to take away our civil liberties that are endowed to us by our Creator and guaranteed in our Constitution. If you don’t stand up to these people now, then our country will be in great peril.
“The mob which stormed the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities was behaving like domestic enemies of our country,” Gabbard said.
“But let’s be clear," she emphasized, "the John Brennans, and the Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance are also domestic enemies....and they are more powerful, and dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol.”
Her negative references to Adam Schiff, a Pelosi sycophant, were actually restrained, given Schiff's conduct as a proven liar. Over the last four years Schiff has attacked the former president on an almost daily basis, and has never been held accountable for what he has said. Instead he is praised by the far left Media which is now owned and controlled by the Democratic party. As chairman of the powerful House Intelligence committee, Schiff has led efforts to impeach President Trump on fabricated allegations, and in 2018 even persuaded an army lieutenant colonel working in the White House to betray his commander-in-chief and invent seditious charges that the President had bulldozed the Ukrainian president in an effort to have him denigrate Joe Biden.
John Brennan, a former CIA director and Obama loyalist, has said that he was in favor of Biden forces moving in "laser like" fashion to identify members of the pro-Trump insurgency, namely, "religious extremists, fascists bigots, racists, nativists and even libertarians who did his biddings."
Brennan's patriotism to the counry has long been a subject of speculation and question. He was an activist and a supporter of Communist Gus Hall who sought the Presidency back in the 1970s. One former FBI agent who worked with Brennan in the Middle East has said that Brennan is a convert to the Islam religion, and "cannot be trusted." When sworn into that office as the spy chief, Brennan declined to take his oath with his hand on the Bible; and instead took his oath of office with his hand on an old and superseded copy of the U.S. Constitution which did not include four of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Hopefully, the courage displayed by Tulsi Gabbard will influence other dedicated and honest Democrats to come forward and help end the left wing efforts to bring discord to the country and to terminate adherence to the 250 year old U.S. Constitution.