By Florida Bill
Was there anything memorable about the Democratic debate held as a runner up to the Primary election in Nevada? The arguing and nit picking at each other, and a main cannon aimed collectively at the "Fat Cat" Michael Bloomberg, went on for two hours. When it was over, the pundits, including the fawning Democrat-controlled media, acknowledged that the result was a zero for Democrats, and and a victory for President Trump. Even candidate Michael Bloomberg called it a win for the President.
The smart and confident face of Sen. Amy Klobuchar took a rip from candidate Pete Buttigieg who stood next to her on the six-person stage. It was a "gotcha" as the 39-year-old Mayor Pete reminded everyone that the Senator was recently interviewed by a reporter from Telemundo, and was unable to name the President of Mexico. Wake up and smell the roses, and get with it, Buttigieg told Klobuchar in so many words.
The Minnesota senator, who is 59, grimaced and her wide mouth quivered at the corners at the put down from the former mayor of South Bend, Ind. She snapped, "Are you saying that I am dumb....or are you mocking me here, Pete?" Obviously embarrassed, she said that she had suffered from "momentary forgetfulness" of the President's name, and so what's the big deal. She pointed out that she works in "the arena" with the pros and that Buttigieg's workplace is small and meaningless. As a way of putting down the smiling Buttigieg, she told of having had passed 100 bills in the Senate, more than any other Democratic senator. She sought to show that Mayor Pete was in the minor leagues compared to her and operated a long way from "the arena," where she has toiled since 2007.
On and off for much of the debate, candidates offered negative comments about billionaire Bloomberg, who in recent weeks has spent some $400 million for print and televised ads suggesting to citizens that "Mike can do it"--if they just vote for him.
With the help of that big wallet, he has actually catapulted his new candidacy to a spot as one of the leaders seeking to become the Democratic standard bearer, according to the polls.
Bloomberg is a former Republican mayor of New York, who has flipped over and become a Democrat. Reportedly, he has a net worth of $60 billion. He is small in stature, often referred to by President Trump as "Mini Mike;" but for this debate Bloomberg did not stand on a box in an effort to gain altitude. Generally, it is reported, he is on a box behind his podium whenever he has a mike in his hands. .
Sen Warren took off her gloves, began waving her arms and then tore into Bloomberg. You are a billionaire who wants to be President and you have called women "fat broads and horse-faced lesbians." Bloomberg appeared a bit shaken at the accusation, but didn't deny it so maybe he once had made the remark.
Warren was just getting started. She then demanded to know how many non-disclosure agreements had been signed with women of his company who had complained of being harassed in the workplace. Bloomberg said "a few" but that he did not intend to cancel the agreements as Warren was demanding, and that the nondisclosure was binding on the parties to the contract. He said that he has hired many, many women in top positions and they are paid no less than any man and that he has a respect for the "MeToo" movement and for the rights of all women.
Others peppered Bloomberg for his endorsement of the "Stop and Frisk" policy used on New York streets when he was mayor. He apologized for the policy, acknowledging that African American young men and Latinos suffered at the hands of aggressive policemen. He said he regretted his endorsement of the policy which had reduced street crime by some 50 per cent.
Joe Biden actually had little to say, and when he did speak he appeared confused in trying to express himself and make his point. He actually had that far away look of a person who is not quite hitting on all cylinders. In between his criticism of Bernie Sanders for his unworkable dreams of a socialist society which would cost trillions, he asserted that a Nevada poll had found Biden, and Biden alone, was most electable to beat President Trump in the coming election.
When Bloomberg had a chance to attack, which was in between his trying to defend himself for his treatment of women and his "stop and frisk" policy detrimental to African Americans, he called Sanders an unpopular "communist" with his pushing of programs which he had admired so in Scandinavia and Russia. He also referenced Sanders' three homes with his position as a hard headed socialist who did not like people with money.
Sanders, 78, was criticized for not releasing all of his medical reports detailing all problems as a result of his heart attack a few months back, but he argued that he had released everything necessary to answer all questions about his health,which he said was good.
Buttigieg noted that the Nevada Culinary Union had sent out a flyer to its members knocking Sanders because of his wanting to to "End Culinary Healthcare." Sanders flailed his arms and claimed to be a long time friend of unions and that the accusation is ridiculous, and everyone knows it.
All in all, it was a 120 minutes stage presentation showcasing six non descriptive, and unappealing men and women who made a strong case that they do not belong in or anywhere near the White House.
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman has had his day in the sun, angling to help the Democrats put down his Commander in Chief, but it didn't work. For all of his twisted testimony and his alliance with the sneaky, lying Congressman Adam Schiff, he has been dumped from his prestigious desk in the White House and escorted by Secret service agents out the door-- "reassigned" to a paper shuffling position at army headquarters.
After monitoring President Trump's July 25, 2019, conversation with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, career officer Vindman put together an inaccurate version of the telephone call claiming that the President, his Commander-in-Chief, had "demanded" that Zelenskyy dig up dirt on his political opponent, or else. The "or else" meant that millions in foreign aid for Ukraine might not materialize. Inappropriate, and improper, said Vindman.
Vindman promptly delivered his skewed oral version of the conversation and apparent "quid pro quo" to colleagues and skipped the normal chain of command. One went to a superior and another to his twin brother,Yevgeny, who also is an army officer working for the NSC. The dagger narrative went to an intelligence officer who had no real need to know of the conversations of President Trump, and whose identity is being kept secret. It appears that that recipient, reportedly a friend to Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden, had a consultation with Rep. Schiff, a Trump detractor who has vowed to take the President down and have him booted from office.
The unnamed carrier of the Vindman "spin" became the "whistle blower" and attached his name to a formal complaint filed with the Justice department alleging Trump's misconduct The complaint was drafted with all necessary legalese and appropriate background. It is strongly believed by Republicans, independents and even some Democrats that the actual complaint was composed for the complainant by the prevaricating Schiff or a member of his staff, or even by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Jerrold "Fat Jerry" Nadler, whose enmity for the President is widely known.
The filing of the complaint engendered a news frenzy with the biased media excoriating President Trump for his "quid pro quo," bribery and even extortion, and for endangering America's national security. The clamor reinforced the Democrats' demand for impeachment of the nation's 45th President.
But Trump surprised everyone by taking the unprecedented action of releasing for public consumption a transcript of the conversation, and it clearly refuted the Vindman version as false; and it countered "Trump-hate" screams from CNN, MSNBC and others in the biased media mob. President Zelenskyy held a news conference in which he said that his conversation of July 25 with President Trump was friendly with no "pressure" and that the subject of foreign aid was never mentioned. His comments confirmed all that the President had said, and it destroyed Vindman's make-believe version of the conversation.
The Democrats pushed for impeachment and took depositions in a basement office, sans representation on behalf of the President. Subsequently, the Adam Schiff Judiciary Committee held public hearings and called Vindman as its most important witness.
In the witness seat, the uniformed Vintman squirmed and frowned at questions from Republicans on the committee who questioned the accuracy of his version of the telephone call, and wanted the names of everyone to whom he told of the call and provided them with his "spin." He even became peeved at a congressman who addressed him as Mr. Vindman. Please, he snapped, "that's Lieutenant Colonel Vindman." When it was all over, his testimony fell flat.
At conclusion of the hearings. two feeble and lame Articles of Impeachment were voted by the completely partisan House and sent to the Senate for trial in accord with dictates in the Constitution. After long and lame question and answer sessions before the presiding chief judge of the Supreme Court, and following nonsensical arguments about calling witnesses, the Senate voted that President Trump was"not guilty" and was acquitted of all charges contained in the Articles of Impeachment.
Two days after the Senate acquittal, President Trump focused on Vindman and had him "reassigned." He predicted that the military may well investigate him for his false testimony, and his dodging of military protocol. The decision as to an investigation, he said, belongs entirely to the military. But he emphasized that Lt. Col. Vindman was through working in the Trump White House.
Asked by newsmen if he was being vindictive, Trump said "should I be happy about the way he has acted?" It appears that Vindman will be staying in the army since the army is his career, but his pitching of poisonous darts at his Commander in Chief will not be helpful in advancing his career as a soldier.
Vindman, 44, is a native of the Ukraine. He and his twin brother, and a sister came to the USA with their parents when they were children. Alexander Vindman is a recipient of a Purple Heart while in combat in the Middle East. It was his credentials as a brave soldier with an ability to speak the Ukrainian and Russian languages which apparently lifted him from being a line officer to a position of trust inside the Trump White House.
Former Trump Chief of Staff General John Kelly commented recently that Lt. Col. Vindman had spoken out as he was trained to do, indicating that criticism of him was misplaced. Perhaps Kelly is right in some ways. However, Kelly fails to confront the fact that Vindman's testimony and depositions were grossly inaccurate and aided Democrats in a completely partisan attack upon his Commander-in-Chief. The impeachment was undeserved and disgraceful and it was Vindman's tailored narrative which was key.
By Florida Bill
One Democratic member of the House of Representatives has credentials as a genuine expert on the subject of impeachment. He gave it his all in the House's partisan effort to take down President Trump, but the Senate had other ideas and on February 5 found him not guilty of a long list of make believe charges against him.
On the side of his Democratic colleagues, bug-eyed Adam Schiff and Schiff's hypocritical partner, "Fat Jerry" Nadler, was 83-year-old Alcee Lamar Hastings who has been elected to Congress 14 times from his 20th Congressional district in South Florida, and is a senior member and vice-chairman on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Hastings' call for and expertise on impeaching the President flows from his activities in the l980s when he, himself, a federal judge appointed by President Carter, was impeached for bribe taking and dishonesty by Congress and booted from the bench. But the disgrace, disbarment and appellation of being a thief, did not slow down the smooth talking, skirt chasing, silver tongued Hastings from embarking on a change of professions and a new political career. But, hey, that's the way it goes when Democrats give the green light.
Hastings was a busy attorney and a contributor to Democrat causes when President Carter nominated him to be a United States District judge. His appointment sailed through the Senate and he promptly picked up a gavel and went to work. He became the first African American Federal judge in the state of Florida.
Federal judges in the USA have a special aura about them. Unlike jurists in the state systems where judges are elected, federal judges answer to no one, and are appointed for life. It is virtually impossible for federal judges to be removed from the bench because of controversial rulings. The only way to remove a federal judge is impeachment by Congress, and that has happened only six times in American history. Hastings was the last and his incredible rebound is one for the history books.
In 1989, the People's House brought charges against Hastings for trying to sneak some $150,000 in bribe money into his pocket. After much controversy and various types of litigation, the impeachment by the House went forward and in 1989, Senators found him guilty of bribery and high crimes and ordered his removal from the bench. Hastings was removed from the federal bench because he was dishonest, but the senate failed to provide in its finding of guilt that he should be barred from ever holding any other federal office. Hastings impeachment and ouster from the federal bench by Congress was subsequently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Hastings epitomizes the Latin phrase of "Sui Generis" which means only one of its kind. He attained that distinction because he is the only federal judge impeached by the House of Representatives, and now sits as a member of that chamber. Along with his credentials as a U.S. congressman, he has garnered praise from Speaker Pelosi who made him a permanent member of the select House committee on Intelligence.
After expulsion from the federal bench and disbarment as an attorney, Hastings promptly ran for Florida Secretary of State, but lost. The following year, 1992, he ran for Congress and was elected in a predominantly African American district by a close margin after he accused his white opponent of being a "racist bitch." He brought to the People's House a fiery rhetorical style and a penchant for controversy. He became a favorite of Speaker Pelosi and she was prepared to appoint him as the chairman of the select committee on intelligence, but then backed away from that plan following complaints that citizens did not want a "crook" in that spot.
Several years ago as the "MeToo" movement was gathering steam, it was revealed that Hastings was being sued by a woman who had been on his staff for targeting her for sexual favors. Hastings found a way to settle the matter by having a special House fund pay her $220,000. Republicans and others objected to the misuse of the money supplied by american taxpayers, but promises of a full investigation of his conduct never materialized.
After President Trump took office, Hastings was among Democratic congressman who declined to stand for the President at his swearing in and later displayed his displeasure and refused to applaud during Trump's state of the union messages. The nattily-dressed congressman is garrulous and friendly and is said to have snake-oil charm and skill in peddling his medicine of choice. Inside the 435-member House of Representatives, he is now part of the Democratic leadership, sitting as a senior member of the House Rules committee; and as a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Congressional Black Caucus.
Money seems to remain a necessary goal of Hastings, as it was when, in his black robes, he was accused of granting leniency in exchange for money. He is reported to have a net worth of nearly five million dollars, yet, a few years ago, he was in the forefront of congressmen demanding an increase in their annual $174,000 salary. The demand fostered an uproar and the ex-judge was castigated for his "arrogance" and "insensitivity." One man observed that with the country's shaky economy and a median American household income of $51,000 a year, the congressional cry of poverty over a $174,000 salary is grossly misplaced. The Wall Street Journal took issue with the congressman's poor mouthing, and pointed out in an article that Hastings spent $25,000 in one year--2008--to lease a luxury car.
Hastings has employed his girl friend on his staff and she has been paid several million dollars since 2000. In 2012, Judicial Watch, a nonpartisan government watchdog organization, reported that Rep. Hastings was Congress' number one practitioner of Nepotism on Capitol Hill, having paid Ms. Patricia Williams $622,000 between 2007 and 2010. Hastings did not quibble about the amount of her earnings, but argued that since she was a girl friend, and not a family member, it did not equate to "nepotism." Williams had served as his counsel and companion during his trial and impeachment problems, and the generous staff salary helps with his relationship and maybe an unpaid legal fee. Williams' annual salary was reported as $168,000.
With all of his history as a dishonest federal district judge and his congressional maneuverings for money, Hastings remains popular with Democrats and the liberal media, and is endorsed and re-elected regularly. Still, with his history and unique "credentials," it seems like he should "zip it." He is the last person to be criticizing President Trump. for being corrupt and dishonest.