The incompetent team of President Joe Biden is now declaring that the 20-year war in Afghanistan is finally over and that the drawdown was an "extraordinary success." Future problems dealing with Afghanistan will now be in the hands of American and Taliban diplomats sitting at the negotiating table.
Despite the Taliban's recorded track record as a brutal, blood-thirsty regime composed of Islamic terrorists acting in accord with Sharia law, a Taliban spokesman has promised that the tribe is rolling back its unsavory practices and is adopting a code of civility. In the future, he has assured the dim, gullible Biden, Afghan citizens' rights will be respected and women will be welcomed in schools; and Al Qaeda and Isis-K will be proscribed from hatching any new plans inside Afghanistan to attack the United States and kill Americans.
So who will be at the diplomatic table? Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that Taliban representatives are terrorists, and the organization remains designated as a Global Terrorist regime, but he seems to believe that there will even be "inclusivity" in the government, and he says he takes them at their word until he sees differently.
The principle Taliban negotiator is the head of the Haqqani Network, which is a savage group responsible for the deaths of thousands. Reportedly, Siraj Haqqani, the son of mad dog killer Jalaluddin Haqqani, is the current leader of the network. Siraj is considered more extreme than his father who died in 2018. He maintains close ties with Al-Qaeda criminals who orchestrated the 9-11 attack in New York. The FBI has placed a $5 million bounty on the head of Siraj Haqqani who now has the title of Minister of the Interior.
Other "diplomats" at the Biden talk-table are four members of the so-called "Taliban Five." They have been identified as Mullah Noorullah Noori, acting minister of borders and tribal affairs; Abdul Haq Waist, acting director of intelligence; Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, acting minister of information and broadcasting; and Mullah Mohammad Fazil, deputy defense minister. The fifth member is Mohammad Nabi Omari, who has been appointed governor of Khost Province in eastern Afghanistan.
The five terrorists were released from the Guantanamo prison in 2014 in exchange for the Taliban delivering back to the United States Army Sgt. Beau Berdgahl who had deserted his unit in 2009 and surrendered to the Taliban. Bergdahl was released after President Obama okayed the exchange and then welcomed home the traitorous soldier in a Rose Garden reception. The "Taliban Five" returned to the battlefields in Afghanistan.
Former, Congressman, CIA director and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, a high-profile Democrat, cautions the Biden administration that it is unlikely that that tiger will ever change its spots. The Taliban goal is to kill Americans and Panetta said that it is his guess that Afghanistan will again become a safe haven for Al Qaeda and other terrorists plotting future attacks on American infidels.
Secretary Blinken, 59, was appointed as the country's principle diplomat by President Biden last January. Recently, he appeared on consecutive days as a witness before the House and the Senate Committees on Foreign Affairs which is looking into America's disastrous Afghanistan pullout.
During the committee hearings, with each senator and congressman given five minutes to comment and ask questions, Brinken was excoriated by GOP senators and House representatives, and even by some Democrats for his incompetence and the unplanned exit from Afghanistan.
Sen. John Barrrasso of Wyoming quoted President Biden as saying that the evacuation was an "extraordinary success." "That statement was," Barrasso asserted, "the lie of the 21st century. It was dishonest, and anyone believing it has to be delusional." He noted that Americans with passports have been left behind, along with thousands of friendly Afghanis who sided with the USA during the war years. Biden's promise to bring home all Americans has gone up in smoke; it was another of his lies, he said.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky noted that $64 million in humanitarian relief funds were being sent to Afghanistan and most likely will be pocketed by the Taliban. Will the money ever reach those that are in need? Blinken said that he had assurances from the Taliban that it will not interfere, and if double dealing is detected the money will be stopped. The secretary acknowledged that the Taliban remains designated as a global terrorist group by the state department.
It was "unforgivable" that Bagram Air Base was abandoned and that the Taliban was able to help themselves to property worth $83 billion dollars, consisting of thousands of vehicles, helicopters, tanks, guns, and GI clothing. Blinken ignored the observation, from Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who then asked Blinken, Didn't anyone in the Biden camp think that "bugging out" might not be such a good idea.
At one point, the the subject of Afghanistan was sidestepped by Senator James Risch of Ohio who demanded that Blinken tell him "who is telling Biden what to do." Who is behind the curtain telling Biden when he can answer a question? Who cuts off Biden's mike when he does not want him to speak? Who speaks for him?
The bureaucratic Blinken fidgeted and said that the President speaks for himself and makes the decisions. No one tells him what to do. I know, he said, as I have been with him for more than 20 years and dealt with him when he was a Senator and then a vice president. It was all his decision to pull out--period.